zondag 1 januari 2012

Big cats

I'm not a big fan off domestic cats, but the big ones I respect. The zoo I go most often too, is part of the european breeding program for cats.

They were also the first, to have White tigers in the Benelux. Instead of putting them behind bars, they are behind glass so you can come pretty close to them.

Still the picture on the left is taken through a fence. But the setting is a city of ancient.

In another part of "the city of ancient", you will find the Siberian tigers.
 At the moment, there are still a father and son. The mother is shipped to another zoo, for the breeding program. The tigers have a part where they can walk arround through the bushes and even have a small pool so they can drink.

Even behind glass they are pretty impressive, when they walk by. Here is one laying at an overview point.

This is an older picture from when the son, was still a kitten. It looked so cute, but now you don't wanna come close to it anymore.

A predator so advanced, it is a shame they are dissapearing from the wild.

At least this one is safe and has becoma a big cat.
Together with their neighbours, they get lots of attention.

White tigers really look cool, they even look like they are really nice.

They are a flaw of nature, that's why they are still rare. White tigers wouldn't surive that long in the wild, because of their color. Between all the jungle green, the white really stands out.

So you will find the white tigers only in zoo's all arround the world. They all originate from the same bengal tiger, but through out the years they kept breeding them.

They became my favorites at the zoo, but since it's always crowded infront of them. You can hardly take pictures of them.

All the pictures in this message are taken at the "Zoo Amersfoort", in Amersfoort, the Netherlands.

I came close to tigers, in Subic as well but I refused to go on a picture with a chained tiger. I hope more people do that, because it's not healthy that a top predator is afraid of a human.

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