maandag 22 oktober 2012

The Real city jungle 4

This round I will only upload birds that I spotted inside the city.
Now the weather becomes colder, the birds are more busy with finding food.

This will help me taking pictures of them.
On the left a Pica-pica that was alerted, because it was close to some roadkill that attracted others as well.

On the right a Buteo-buteo (Buzzard) that was eating from some roadkill.

Two Pica-pica (Eurasian Magpie) tried to eat from it as well. They didn't stand a change untill  the Buzzard almost got hit by a car and went off.

One street away the Heron on the left, was cleaning itself  on top of a light post. From there it had a view on two different waters.

The Heron just sat there and looked around no rush and tension here.

The Parus-major (Great tit) is my own peeping tom,
since it looks inside my house once in a while.

This time I spotted him, and caught him in the act.

Below a couple Phoenicurus ochrarus that are visiting my garden. Top male, bottom female.

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