dinsdag 28 januari 2014


Aquascaping is underwater gardening in your fishtank, this can be done in many styles.
The style of which I'm a fan is the one to create landscapes that you normally find above the water.
Some people are really good at it, as you can see on this website .

Since I wanna do something new with my tank,
I decided to give it a try myself.

I want to start with a simple type of landscape,
so I picked "Chocolate hills" those can be seen on the island Bohol in the Philippines.

It's a fun looking landscape, and it matches with my asian fresh water fish.

So I bought some stuff and plants to get started, and now I'm hoping it can be put in the tank within weeks.

I bought some stone hiding places, and coconuts, to get the right color and effect I'm going to put java moss on top.

To make this work I only needed some fishline and a scissors.

Since the hills are not all the same size I needed
different sizes for my tank as well.

So I use the stone hiding places for the bigger hills,
and the coconuts for the lower ones.

I will start with just making 3 hills, to see if my idea will work.

At the picture on the right you can see how I attached the moss to the stone.

After that I used the remaining moss to cover some parts of the other hills.

It is not that much at the moment but the moss will grow and start to cover the rest.

If I put the hills straight away in my tank, the moss will be quickly in my filter because of my fishes.

So I put the hills in a small spare tank, so the moss can stick itself firmly to the hills. When I think the hills are covered enough I will move the hills to my main tank.

For now I can only wait untill the moss starts doing it's job.

The comming weeks and months I will try to update the progress that I make.

zondag 14 juli 2013

Pilot boats

The "Gemini" is one of the three pilot boats that are at Vlissingen (Flushing). DAy and night they bring pilots to the big ships that are comming from sea.

Vlissingen itself has a decent harbour with lots of activity, but it's also at the start of the inland trip to the harbour of Antwerp.

The "Pieter Deconinck", is one of the two Belgium pilot boats that are stationed in Vlissingen.

The bring the pilots on board of the ships going to Antwerp.

The "Ravelingen" is the second pilot boat for the belgian pilots.

It is really nice to see how these boats, get themselves next to the way bigger ships.

On the right the picture shows, how a pilot boards a ship in the middle of the water way without any of the boats stopping.

woensdag 17 april 2013

Tang fishes

Taken at "Het Arsenaal" in Vlissingen
Tang fishes are part of the "Acanthuridae" (thorn tails) family.
The ones I have seen are all very colorful

The "Blue Tang" is one of the most famous because of the movie "finding Nemo".

The "Blue Tang" looks nice, but some of it's relatives look way nicer. Like the "Desjardini sailfin tang", they have nice color patterns.

As shown on the picture to the left, their fins can be really looking like a sail.

There are many different species, but they all have one thing in common.

The sharp spine on their caudal keel, it looks almost always the same color blue.

So when handling these fish watch out with your hands. You might injure yourself with it.

All the pictures are taken at "Het Arsenaal" in Vlissingen (the Netherlands).

woensdag 3 april 2013

Dermogenys Pusillus

Three days ago I bought new fishes, for my fishtank. Four of them were "dermogenys pusillus", something completely different than my other fishes.

They are nice looking, surface dwellers, that leave other fish alone.

If you look it up at known aquarium fish sites, you will see that they can be kept with small none- agressive fishes.

But the dead fishes on the pictures are mine, because apparantly "Danio Frankei" are also too stress full for these fishes. The Danio's are not agressive but they have an energy, like they are on a 100% suger diet.

During the first day, the fishes just hid between the glass and my babytrap. They are known to be shy at first so I thought nothing was wrong.

But the second day coming back from work, I found two of them are already dead. One was not swimming that good and the fourth was still healthy.

The two alive ones are now in my old fishtank at my mom's place, they are doing good. Too bad I couldn't take pictures of these beautiful fishes while they were alive.

Soon I will upload some pictures of my other fishes.

maandag 25 februari 2013

Kölner Dom

The pictures in  this article, are all made in- or outside the cathedral of Köln. It is one of the biggest churches in europe, and the biggest from Germany.

The windows are really nice and colourfull looking, with each telling another story.

It is verry crowded inside so it can be hard to take a nice picture. People will bump in too you or stand right in front of you. But it's worth the try.

There are also some really nice statues inside and outside the church.

Like this one on the left I do not know the name of it, but I call it "Please pull my finger".

In the middle on the sides of all the pilars are statues, I think of all the bishops that served there. I wish I could put the correct names with the pictures but I really don't know.

maandag 22 oktober 2012

The Real city jungle 4

This round I will only upload birds that I spotted inside the city.
Now the weather becomes colder, the birds are more busy with finding food.

This will help me taking pictures of them.
On the left a Pica-pica that was alerted, because it was close to some roadkill that attracted others as well.

On the right a Buteo-buteo (Buzzard) that was eating from some roadkill.

Two Pica-pica (Eurasian Magpie) tried to eat from it as well. They didn't stand a change untill  the Buzzard almost got hit by a car and went off.

One street away the Heron on the left, was cleaning itself  on top of a light post. From there it had a view on two different waters.

The Heron just sat there and looked around no rush and tension here.

The Parus-major (Great tit) is my own peeping tom,
since it looks inside my house once in a while.

This time I spotted him, and caught him in the act.

Below a couple Phoenicurus ochrarus that are visiting my garden. Top male, bottom female.

dinsdag 24 juli 2012

The real city jungle 3

This weekend I went out, to take pictures again. I went to a part, where I knew there would be caterpillars.

During the picture taking I noticed, different insect species on the plants arround them.

On the left the "Dolerus germanicus" is trying to hide behind some pieces of grass.

It didn't want to sit still, so the pictures are not marvelous but I think it's OK.

The wasp on the right is sitting on a street light.
They eat caterpillars so no surprise it was there.

I think it used the metal to get warmer, because it was only sitting in the sunny part.

Waiting for the next meal, no need to hunt just to pick.

On the left a darkling beetle, looking for food at the flowers.

Moving way slower then the other 2 above, and just taking it's time.